
Bellfield Infant School and Nursery

Curriculum Intent 

What is an Intent in Education?

Ofsted's Education Inspection Framework (EIF) 2019 defines curriculum intent as 'the extent to which the school's curriculum sets out the knowledge and skills that pupils will gain'.

Our Intent

At Bellfield Infant School and Nursery our curriculum is ambitious for all children regardless of their starting points. We provide a curriculum that enables all children to learn without limits. It is broad and is designed to extend our children's horizons, widen their cultural capital and empower them to be curious about the world around them. We teach our children the value of perseverance, self-belief and resilience by supporting the development of a growth mind set.

We plan our curriculum in response to the needs and experiences of the children in our school. It provides opportunities to raise aspirations and drive ambition. It enables children to build on their prior knowledge and encourage them to be lifelong learners. The programme of study is ambitious for all pupils, providing them with equal access to a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum.

At our school, the foundations are established through the National curriculum in KS1 and Development Matters in the EYFS.  Skills, knowledge and understanding are mapped in all subjects securing progression from Nursery to Year 2.

The Primary Knowledge Curriculum (PKC) places “powerful knowledge” at the heart of learning, empowering children to acquire knowledge that takes them beyond their lived experiences. Through a deep respect of the traditions of each unique subject, the PKC recognises the identity of the disciplines that are studied. The delivery and design is planned to ensure a seamless transition between year groups and key stages, ensuring readiness for their next stage of education.


For more information follow the link below;

At Bellfield Infant School there are two Key Stages:

  • EYFS – This key stage consists of our Nursery and Reception classes. Children can start in Nursery in September providing they are already 3 years old. Once the Nursery year is completed children move to Reception the following September, if they are 4 years old.
  • Key Stage 1 – Year 1 (children aged 5/6) and Year 2 (aged 6/7).


Intent, Implementation, Impact - PKC


Bellfield Infant School and Nursery

Curriculum Intent 

What is an Intent in Education?

Ofsted's Education Inspection Framework (EIF) 2019 defines curriculum intent as 'the extent to which the school's curriculum sets out the knowledge and skills that pupils will gain'.

Our Intent

At Bellfield Infant School and Nursery our curriculum is ambitious for all children regardless of their starting points. We provide a curriculum that enables all children to learn without limits. It is broad and is designed to extend our children's horizons, widen their cultural capital and empower them to be curious about the world around them. We teach our children the value of perseverance, self-belief and resilience by supporting the development of a growth mind set.

We plan our curriculum in response to the needs and experiences of the children in our school. It provides opportunities to raise aspirations and drive ambition. It enables children to build on their prior knowledge and encourage them to be lifelong learners. The programme of study is ambitious for all pupils, providing them with equal access to a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum.

At our school, the foundations are established through the National curriculum in KS1 and Development Matters in the EYFS.  Skills, knowledge and understanding are mapped in all subjects securing progression from Nursery to Year 2.

The Primary Knowledge Curriculum (PKC) places “powerful knowledge” at the heart of learning, empowering children to acquire knowledge that takes them beyond their lived experiences. Through a deep respect of the traditions of each unique subject, the PKC recognises the identity of the disciplines that are studied. The delivery and design is planned to ensure a seamless transition between year groups and key stages, ensuring readiness for their next stage of education.


For more information follow the link below;

At Bellfield Infant School there are two Key Stages:

  • EYFS – This key stage consists of our Nursery and Reception classes. Children can start in Nursery in September providing they are already 3 years old. Once the Nursery year is completed children move to Reception the following September, if they are 4 years old.
  • Key Stage 1 – Year 1 (children aged 5/6) and Year 2 (aged 6/7).


Intent, Implementation, Impact - PKC


Bellfield Infant School and Nursery

Curriculum Intent 

What is an Intent in Education?

Ofsted's Education Inspection Framework (EIF) 2019 defines curriculum intent as 'the extent to which the school's curriculum sets out the knowledge and skills that pupils will gain'.

Our Intent

At Bellfield Infant School and Nursery our curriculum is ambitious for all children regardless of their starting points. We provide a curriculum that enables all children to learn without limits. It is broad and is designed to extend our children's horizons, widen their cultural capital and empower them to be curious about the world around them. We teach our children the value of perseverance, self-belief and resilience by supporting the development of a growth mind set.

We plan our curriculum in response to the needs and experiences of the children in our school. It provides opportunities to raise aspirations and drive ambition. It enables children to build on their prior knowledge and encourage them to be lifelong learners. The programme of study is ambitious for all pupils, providing them with equal access to a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum.

At our school, the foundations are established through the National curriculum in KS1 and Development Matters in the EYFS.  Skills, knowledge and understanding are mapped in all subjects securing progression from Nursery to Year 2.

The Primary Knowledge Curriculum (PKC) places “powerful knowledge” at the heart of learning, empowering children to acquire knowledge that takes them beyond their lived experiences. Through a deep respect of the traditions of each unique subject, the PKC recognises the identity of the disciplines that are studied. The delivery and design is planned to ensure a seamless transition between year groups and key stages, ensuring readiness for their next stage of education.


For more information follow the link below;

At Bellfield Infant School there are two Key Stages:

  • EYFS – This key stage consists of our Nursery and Reception classes. Children can start in Nursery in September providing they are already 3 years old. Once the Nursery year is completed children move to Reception the following September, if they are 4 years old.
  • Key Stage 1 – Year 1 (children aged 5/6) and Year 2 (aged 6/7).


Intent, Implementation, Impact - PKC


Bellfield Infant School and Nursery

Curriculum Intent 

What is an Intent in Education?

Ofsted's Education Inspection Framework (EIF) 2019 defines curriculum intent as 'the extent to which the school's curriculum sets out the knowledge and skills that pupils will gain'.

Our Intent

At Bellfield Infant School and Nursery our curriculum is ambitious for all children regardless of their starting points. We provide a curriculum that enables all children to learn without limits. It is broad and is designed to extend our children's horizons, widen their cultural capital and empower them to be curious about the world around them. We teach our children the value of perseverance, self-belief and resilience by supporting the development of a growth mind set.

We plan our curriculum in response to the needs and experiences of the children in our school. It provides opportunities to raise aspirations and drive ambition. It enables children to build on their prior knowledge and encourage them to be lifelong learners. The programme of study is ambitious for all pupils, providing them with equal access to a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum.

At our school, the foundations are established through the National curriculum in KS1 and Development Matters in the EYFS.  Skills, knowledge and understanding are mapped in all subjects securing progression from Nursery to Year 2.

The Primary Knowledge Curriculum (PKC) places “powerful knowledge” at the heart of learning, empowering children to acquire knowledge that takes them beyond their lived experiences. Through a deep respect of the traditions of each unique subject, the PKC recognises the identity of the disciplines that are studied. The delivery and design is planned to ensure a seamless transition between year groups and key stages, ensuring readiness for their next stage of education.


For more information follow the link below;

At Bellfield Infant School there are two Key Stages:

  • EYFS – This key stage consists of our Nursery and Reception classes. Children can start in Nursery in September providing they are already 3 years old. Once the Nursery year is completed children move to Reception the following September, if they are 4 years old.
  • Key Stage 1 – Year 1 (children aged 5/6) and Year 2 (aged 6/7).


Intent, Implementation, Impact - PKC


Bellfield Infant School and Nursery

Curriculum Intent 

What is an Intent in Education?

Ofsted's Education Inspection Framework (EIF) 2019 defines curriculum intent as 'the extent to which the school's curriculum sets out the knowledge and skills that pupils will gain'.

Our Intent

At Bellfield Infant School and Nursery our curriculum is ambitious for all children regardless of their starting points. We provide a curriculum that enables all children to learn without limits. It is broad and is designed to extend our children's horizons, widen their cultural capital and empower them to be curious about the world around them. We teach our children the value of perseverance, self-belief and resilience by supporting the development of a growth mind set.

We plan our curriculum in response to the needs and experiences of the children in our school. It provides opportunities to raise aspirations and drive ambition. It enables children to build on their prior knowledge and encourage them to be lifelong learners. The programme of study is ambitious for all pupils, providing them with equal access to a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum.

At our school, the foundations are established through the National curriculum in KS1 and Development Matters in the EYFS.  Skills, knowledge and understanding are mapped in all subjects securing progression from Nursery to Year 2.

The Primary Knowledge Curriculum (PKC) places “powerful knowledge” at the heart of learning, empowering children to acquire knowledge that takes them beyond their lived experiences. Through a deep respect of the traditions of each unique subject, the PKC recognises the identity of the disciplines that are studied. The delivery and design is planned to ensure a seamless transition between year groups and key stages, ensuring readiness for their next stage of education.


For more information follow the link below;

At Bellfield Infant School there are two Key Stages:

  • EYFS – This key stage consists of our Nursery and Reception classes. Children can start in Nursery in September providing they are already 3 years old. Once the Nursery year is completed children move to Reception the following September, if they are 4 years old.
  • Key Stage 1 – Year 1 (children aged 5/6) and Year 2 (aged 6/7).


Intent, Implementation, Impact - PKC
