Communication with parents

We keep parents up to date in different ways with what is going on within school. We use;

  • Class Dojo
  • School Website

The school has an 'open door' policy for parents. If you have any concerns about your child in the first instance please speak to your child's class teacher or teaching assistant. They will be available to speak to at the beginning and end of the day. Alternatively you can arrange a meeting with them on Class Dojo or ring the school office (0121 464 4855) to make an appointment. 


Sometimes you may need to speak to someone different within the school, see the staff list for who your question maybe best suited to. You can either message them on Class Dojo or ring the school office.


  • Acting Headteacher/Leading DSL-  Mrs Burns
  • SENDco/EYFS lead/Behaviour Lead/DSL - Miss Campbell-Kelly 
  • Pastoral Lead/DSL - Beccy Brittle
  • Day Care Manager/DSL - Sally Wright



Class Dojo